Já se encontra disponível para download livre o número cinco da revista e_conservation em:
First ARP Seminar: From Practice to Theory – Master and PhD Research
30-31 May 2008, Lisbon, Portugal
Review by Rui BordaloA Look into the Past. “North Oltenia, Monuments Founded by Boyars” Symposium
8-11 May 2008, Tismana, Romania
Review by Anca DinaAnnouncements, Awards, Publications
Education of Restorers in Ladakh, India
South North Project in Germany between ASA and THF Participants
By Suzy HesseEVENTS
Upcoming Events
July to August 2008ARTICLES
Is Minimal Intervention a Valid Guiding Principle?
By María Rubio RedondoConservation of Historic Monuments
The Restoration of Tsas Soma Mosque, Leh, Ladakh, India
By André Alexander and Andreas CataneseCASE STUDY
A Romanian Copy of an Italian Painting.
The case of Daniele da Volterra’s “Descent from the Cross” by Petre
Alexandrescu at Antim Monastery in Bucharest
By Oana and Dumitru GoreaConservation and Restoration of the Historic Furniture from the
“Laboratorio Chimico” of the University of Coimbra. Methodology and
Intervention Criteria
By Carlos José Abreu da Silva CostaETHICS
Spain: the European Lacuna / España: la laguna europea
By Christabel Blackman PattersonBOOK REVIEW
Lucas Cranach the Elder: Painting Materials, Techniques and Workshop Practice.
Review by Rui BordaloPara efectuar o download da revista, visite:
http://www.e-conservationline.com/content/view/37/53/Podem enviar comentários e sugestões para o email: general@e-conservationline.com ou então podem utilizar o fórum do site.
OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Ana Carvalho (17 de Julho de 2008). e-conservation n.º 5, 2008. No Mundo dos Museus. Recuperado em 18 de Janeiro de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/sd4v