Documentation: a practical guide
Autores: Margaret Harrison e Gordon McKenna
Edição: Collections Trust, 2008, UK
Descrição Física: 57 p.
ISBN: 1 9000642 16 6
Documentation: a practical guide is the essential first stop for anyone wishing to manage a museum collection and its documentation to a high standard. For those with no previous museum experience it presents the basics of documentation clearly and concisely, and for those with more experience it provides an easy-reference guide to good documentation.
Pode ser adquirido nos seguintes endereços:
1. Introduction
■ What is documentation?
■ Why documentation matters
■ The importance of standards
■ A basic documentation system
■ Choosing software for documentation
2. Object entry
■ What is Object entry?
■ Why do it?
■ When is it done?
■ What policy decisions are needed?
■ How do we do it?
■ What information should be recorded?
■ What happens to the completed form?
■ Protecting your entry records
3. Acquisition
■ What is accessioning?
■ Why do it?
■ When is it done?
■ What policy decisions are needed?
■ How do we do it?
■ What information should be recorded?
■ What happens to the completed records?
■ Protecting your accession records
■ Accession numbering
■ Labelling and marking
4. Borrowing and lending
■ Why do it?
■ When is it done?
■ What policy decisions are needed?
■ How is it done?
■ Who does it?
■ What information should be recorded?
■ Long-term loans
■ Protecting your loans records
5. Cataloguing
■ What is cataloguing?
■ Why do it?
■ When is it done?
■ What policy decisions are needed?
■ How do we do it?
■ Who does it?
■ What information should be recorded?
■ Protecting your catalogue records
■ Object history files
6. Location and movement control
■ What is location and movement control?
■ Why do it?
■ When is it done?
■ What policy decisions are needed?
■ How is it done?
■ Who does it?
■ What information should be recorded?
■ What happens to the completed tickets?
■ Updating the catalogue record
■ Identifying and describing locations
■ Protecting your location records
7. Object exit
■ What is Object exit?
■ Why do it?
■ When is it done?
■ What policy decisions are needed?
■ How do we do it?
■ Who does it?
■ What information should be recorded?
■ What happens to the completed forms?
■ Protecting your exit records
8. Managing a documentation system
■ Adopt a policy on documentation
■ Nominate someone to be responsible for documentation
■ Write a procedural manual
■ Train your workforce to use the system
9. Retrospective documentation
■ What is Retrospective documentation?
■ What records do we need?
■ Have we got a backlog?
■ How do we do Retrospective documentation?
■ When is an inventory a good idea?
■ Carrying out an inventory
■ An alternative approach
10. Writing a documentation plan
■ What is a documentation plan?
■ Why do we need a documentation plan?
■ Before you start 52
■ What should be in a documentation plan?
■ Format for a documentation plan
■ Timescales, priorities and resources
11. Support collections
■ What are support collections?
■ Why do we need to document support collections?
■ How do we document support collections?OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Ana Carvalho (27 de Outubro de 2008). Sugestão de leitura: "Documentation: a practical guide" No Mundo dos Museus. Recuperado em 8 de Fevereiro de 2025 de