Museum History Journal é uma revista americana sobre museologia ( Teve início em 2008 e publica agora novo número. A responsabilidade da edição cabe a Hugh H. Genoways (University of Nebraska State Museum) e Mary Anne Andrei (Corcoran Department of History – University of Virginia).
About the Journal
A new, refereed international publication of critical evaluative histories relating to museums, to be published semi-annually by Left Coast Press, Inc., beginning in 2008. The term “museum” will be interpreted to include not only a broad range of museum types, including natural history, anthropology, archaeology, fine art, history, medical, and science and technology, but also related cultrual institutions, such as aquaria, zoos, botanical gardens, arboreta, historical societies and sites, architectural sites, archives, and planetariums. A variety of scholarly approaches, such as analytical, narrative, historical, cultural, social, quantitative, and intellectual, are anticipated.
January 2009
Vol. 2, N. 1
Table of Contents*From the Editors*
*Feature Articles*
Wax Bodies: Art and Anato my in Victorian Medical Museums
Samuel J. M. M. AlbertiNarrativity and the Museological: Myths of Nationality
Donald PreziosiMatter of Fact: Biographies and Zoological Specimens
Taika DahlbomFrederic Ward Putnam, Chicago’s Cultural Philanthropists, and the Founding of the Field Museum
Paul D. Brinkman*Book Reviews*
Museum Skepticism: A History of the Display of Art In Public Galleries by David Carrier
reviewed by Bruce RobertsonMuseums in Motion: An Introduction to the History and Functions of Museums, second edition by Edward P. Alexander and Mary Alexander
reviewed by Suzanne M. FischerReturn to Alexandria: An Ethnography of Cultural Heritage, Revivalism, and Museum Memory by Beverley Butler
reviewed by Tiffany JenkinsAll Creatures: Naturalists, Collectors, and Biodiversity, 1850 – 1950 by Robert E. Kohler
reviewed by Charlotte M. Porter*Archive*
Earliest known photographic portraits of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln, celebrating the bicentennial of their births on February 9, 2009
Para encomendar este número ou assinar a revista (bi-anual) pode visitar o seguinte site: ISSN: 1936-9824
Issue ISBN: 978-1-59874-828-4Mais informações, contactar Stefania Van Dyke at
www.LCoastPress.comOpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Ana Carvalho (20 de Fevereiro de 2009). Museum History Journal Vol. 2 (2009), N. 1. No Mundo dos Museus. Recuperado em 14 de Fevereiro de 2025 de