Seminar: 'Museums, the cultural industries and social inclusion: outlining and unearthing alternative perspectives', 20 Oct. 09, Londres

Seminar: ‘Museums, the cultural industries and social inclusion: outlining and unearthing alternative perspectives’
Tuesday 20th October 2009, Sackler Centre, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.
Supported by ESRC and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

We would like to invite you to attend a one day seminar ‘Museums, the cultural industries and social inclusion: outlining and unearthing alternative perspectives’, supported by the ESRC and Department of Culture, Media and Sport. The seminar will take place on Tuesday 20th October 2009, at the Sackler Centre, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

The seminar will explore the significance of museums to the fulfilment of social inclusion/cohesion agendas and to regeneration and cultural industry initiatives. Recent research examining the significance of museums to social inclusion and cohesion will be presented, along with reflections on how the social role and impact of museums can be variously theorised and the practical barriers that may limit museums acting as agents of social inclusion and cohesion. The seminar will also address the relationships between this use and the demands placed on museums by their adoption as agents of growth and regeneration.

The seminar is orientated towards outlining and drawing together the insights and concerns of academic research, museum professions and policy makers. It is hoped that the seminar, will provide a stimulus for further reflection and collaboration between these groups.

Confirmed speakers include: Andrew Newman (University of Newcastle), Suzanne McLeod (University of Leicester), Sue Wilkinson (MLA), Andy Pratt (LSE), and Paul Jones (University of Liverpool).

Attendance at the seminar is free, however places are limited.
If you would like to attend please contact Anna Woodham ( for a booking form and/or further information.

(fonte: H-MUSEUM)

OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Ana Carvalho (11 de Setembro de 2009). Seminar: 'Museums, the cultural industries and social inclusion: outlining and unearthing alternative perspectives', 20 Oct. 09, Londres. No Mundo dos Museus. Recuperado em 16 de Fevereiro de 2025 de

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