Thomas Söderqvist, 10 Maio 2010
Anfiteatro Manuel Valadares
©Ana Carvalho
Uma nota especial para sublinhar a presença de Thomas Söderqvist (University of Copenhagen), em Lisboa (10/05/2010), para um seminário no Museu da Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa. O título do seminário era o seguinte: “Cultures of Meaning and Cultures of Presence: The use of material objects in the history of science, medicine and technology”. Este tema, apelativo para todos os que trabalham no âmbito da História e Filosofia da Ciência, captou também a atenção de historiadores, conservadores-restauradores, arquitectos, investigadores e estudantes, que marcaram presença neste seminário. Söderqvist apresentou uma interessante perspectiva sobre os objectos museológicos, chamando a atenção que para além de traduzir significados, os objectos podem ter outras leituras que não impliquem apenas a atribuição de funções, contextos, etc. Ou seja, advogou a importância de olhar os objectos no imediato das sensações que possam provocar, nomeadamente a interacção física que se estabelece entre os objectos e as pessoas.
Thomas Söderqvist é Historiador da Medicina, Professor da Universidade de Copenhaga e Director do Medical Museion de Copenhaga. É membro de comissões consultivas e consultor de inúmeros projectos europeus associados ao património e museus da medicina, museus universitários.
Algumas publicações:
Söderqvist, T. and Stillwell, C. The historiography of immunology is still in its infancy, Journal of the History of Biology, vol. 32: 205-215, 1999.
Söderqvist, T. and Silverstein A.M. Participation in scientific meetings: A new prosopographical approach to the disciplinary history of science: the case of immunology 1951-1972, pp. 101-31 in: E. Scanlen, R. Hill and K. Junker (eds.), Communicating science. London and New York: Routledge, 1999.
Söderqvist, T. Immunology à la Plutarch: Biographies of immunologists as an ethical genre, pp.287-301 in: A. M. Moulin and A. Cambrosio (eds.), Singular selves: Historical issues and contemporary debates in immunology. Paris: Elsevier, 2001.
Söderqvist, T. The life and work of Niels Kaj Jerne as a source of ethical reflection, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, vol.55: 539-45, 2002.
Söderqvist, T., Neurobiographies: Writing lives in the history of neurology and the neurosciences, Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, vol.11: 38-48, 2002
Söderqvist, T. Wissenschaftsgeschichte á la Plutarch: Biographie über Wissenschaftler als tugendethische Gattung, pp 287-325 in: H. E. Bödeker (ed.), Biographie schreiben. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2003.
Söderqvist, T. Science as Autobiography: The Troubled Life of Niels Jerne. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003. xxv+385 pp. (Japanese translation: Tokyo Igaku Shoin, 2008. xliv+444 pp.
Söderqvist, T. What is the use of writing lives of recent scientists? pp. 99-127 in: R. E. Doel and T. Söderqvist (eds.),The Historiography of Contemporary Science, Technology, and Medicine: Writing Recent Science. London: Routledge, 2006.
Söderqvist, T. No genre of history fell under more odium than that of biography: the delicate relations between twentieth century scientific biography and historiography of science, in: T. Söderqvist (ed.): The History and Poetics of Scientific Biography. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.
Söderqvist, T. Plutarchian versus Socratic scientific biography, pp. 159-162 in: J. Renn and K. Gavroglu (eds.), Positioning the History of Science, Berlin: Springer, 2007.
Söderqvist, T. and Bencard, A. Making sense or sensing the made? Research into presence.production in museums of science, technology and medicine, pp.161-173 in: S. Lindqvist et al. (eds.), Research and Museums, Stockholm: Nationalmuseum, 2008.
Söderqvist, T., Stillwell, C, and Jackson, M. Immunology, [25 pp] in: J. V. Pickstone and P. Bowler (eds.), Cambridge Encyclopaedia for the History of Science, vol.6: Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (in press, 2009).
Söderqvist, T., Bencard, A and Mordhorst, C. Between meaning culture and presence effects: contemporary biomedical objects as challenge to museums, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (in press, 2009)
Fonte: Marta Lorenço MCUL
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