Museus e comunidades

Museum of Trade and Tourism, Hungria © Ana Carvalho

Museum of Trade and Tourism, Hungria © Ana Carvalho

Termina hoje (20 de Maio), em Budapeste (Hungria) o segundo dia da conferência final do projecto europeu CETAID (Community Exhibitions as Tools for Adults’ Individual Development). O projecto financiado pelo Programa de Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida/Parcerias de Aprendizagem GRUNDTVIG, conta com os seguintes parceiros: Múzeumok és Látogatók Alapítvány (Foundation for Museums and Visitors), Historic Royal PalacesTyne and Wear Archives and MuseumsIstituto Luigi Sturzo; e a Associação portuguesa Histórias para Pensar (HPP). A conferência “Museums and their Communities” terá lugar no Museum of Trade and Tourism e noutros museus da cidade.

Sobre o projecto leia neste blogue: Participação no coração dos museus: o projecto CETAID.



Monday, May 19, 2014
Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism

9:00-9:30 Opening – Welcome by Imre Kiss, Director, Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism

9:30-10:00 Keynote address: “Museums and communities: is this relationship an object of desire?” by

Dr. Beáta Gurmai, Ministry of Human Resources  & Ana Carvalho, University of Evora

10:00-11:15 Case studies I. (Memories and stories) and Discussion

Facilitator: Julia Kulich, Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism

  • Museums objects as memory triggers for people with Dementia – Kath Boodhai, Tyne and Wear Museums and Archaives
  • City of memories – Lajos Lakner, Déri Múzeum, Debrecen
  • Saving memories 1.0 – 2.0 (Székesfehérvár from 2011 to 2014) – Erzsébet Szűcs, City Gallery, Székesfehérvár
  • How to transform our life into a learning environment? The KValues Project and the use of the  Digital Storytelling methodology for the self  evaluation of key competencies – Antonia Liguori and Barbara Tieri, Istituto Luigi Sturzo

Break 11:15-11:45   

11:45-13:10 Case Studies II. (Including the community in exhibitions) and DiscussionFacilitator: Edit Bárd, Duna Museum

  • Those 1940s! – Andrea Pásztor, Janus Pannonius Museum, Pécs
  • People and Palaces – Diana England, Stitches in Time
  • The Sikh Fortress Turban – Laura Phillips, British Museum
  • West End Stories: The Museum & Community – an exhibition of Stories from the West End of Newcastle – Michael McHugh, Tyne and Wear Museums and Archaives
  • Return the Collections – to the Museum. Participative Strategies and Immigrant Communities – Gábor Ébli, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest

13:10-14:30    Lunch

15.00 – 16.00 Néprajzi Múzeum Community projects:

  • Artefact selfie: strictly permitted! – Gabriella Vörös curator, Néprajzi Múzeum, Budapest
  • X-factor in the museum – Emese Joó museum educator, Néprajzi Múzeum, Budapest
  • Adopt an object! – György Szeljak curator, Néprajzi Múzeum, Budapest

16.00 – 17.00 Tour of the Tollvarázs/ Magic of Feathers Exhibition

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism

9:00-9:30 Keynote address “Museums and communities: this is to last for a lifetime” by Maria Vlachou, Association Histórias para Pensar and Tamás Vásárhelyi, Hungarian Natural History Museum/Eötvös Lóránd University

9:30-10:45 Case studies III. (Connecting to collections) and Discussion

Facilitator: Anikó Korenchy-Misz, Foundation for Museums and Visitors, Hungary

  • Volunteer curators in the museum – Jenő Molnár, Laczkó Dezső Múzem, Veszprém
  • Dot-to-Dot: using community development approaches in museum outreach and community engagement work, Zoe Brown and Nuala Morse, Tyne and Wear Museums and Archaives
  • Palace Explorers: Encouraging intergenerational learning in children and adults, Nikki Lindsey, Historic Royal Palaces
  • Beyond Assumptions – Communities & Stereotypes – Sian Hunter Dodsworth,

British Museum and Maria Bojanowska- Partnership UK

10:45-11:15 Break

11:5-13:00 Case studies IV. (Learning communities, learning museums) and Discussion

Facilitator: Tamás Vásárhelyi, Hungarian Natural History Museum /Eötvös Lóránd                University

  • The influence of School Community Service in community building and development – Márton Bodó, Hungarian Institute for Educational Research and Development
  • Communities as teachers and learners: community engagement at London Metropolitan Archives – Marta Lomza, London Metropolitan Archives
  • Weaving Europe: Artefacts, Values & Exchanges (WEAVE) – Sara Borrelli, Explora The Children’s Museum of Rome
  • Learning partnership in the field of literary heritage – Gabriella Gulyas, Petőfi Literary Museums

13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:00 Travel to the Ludwig Museum
15:00-16:30 Presentations of the community projects and guided tour of the museum
16:30-17:00 Closing and evaluation of conference/ News of the final publication

OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Ana Carvalho (19 de Maio de 2014). Museus e comunidades. No Mundo dos Museus. Recuperado em 16 de Fevereiro de 2025 de

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