Pode o património ajudar a pensar o futuro?

Templo evora

Na próxima sexta-feira (29 de Abril), Rodney Harrison (UCL Institute of Archeology) estará em Lisboa para uma conferência intitulada “Heritage Futures“. O evento é organizado no âmbito do programa de Doutoramento FCT em Antropologia: Políticas e Imagens da Cultura e Muselogia  do ISCTE (http://cria.org.pt). Realiza-se às 18h, no ISCTE, Auditório B203, Ed. II.

Abstract: How does heritage make the future? From nuclear waste in Sweden to global endangered languages, from a frozen genetic ‘Ark’ in Nottingham to the global seed vault in Arctic Norway, and from ‘rewilded’ landscapes in Portugal to paper-based archives in Paris, ‘Heritage Futures’ aims to develop a broad, international and cross-sectoral comparative framework for understanding ‘heritage’ not as a domain which is concerned with the past, but rather as a series of heterogeneous yet distinctive practices which involve the management of material and discursive legacies of various forms and which are oriented towards assembling (alternative) futures. This paper introduces this collaborative research project, which involves a team of 12 researchers and 21 international partner organisations, and aims to show how its broad themes relate to some of the most pressing ecological, social and political issues of our time. Central to our focus on what I term heritage ontologies-the world making, future assembling capacities of different heritage practices-is the recognition of ontological plurality; that different forms of heritage practices enact different realities and hence work to assemble different futures. I conclude with some notes which consider the potential for a comparative ethnology of global heritage practices through this ontological lens.

Rodney Harrison is a Reader in Archaeology, Heritage and Museum Studies at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books and special journal issues and over sixty peer reviewed articles and book chapters on topics relating to the material histories and contemporary sociopolitics of anthropology, archaeology, heritage, material culture and museums. He is Vice Chair of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies, founding editor of the Journal of Contemporary Archaeology and Principal Investigator on the major AHRC-funded ‘Heritage Futures’ project.

Harrison é autor de Understanding the Politics of Heritage (2010) e de Heritage: Critical Approaches (2013), entre outros.

Também será possível assistir à conferência via livestreaminghttps://recad.iscte-iul.pt/ess/echo/presentation/4d8f7d19-00fe-4aee-aa7e-9ce7709b9f11

OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Ana Carvalho (27 de Abril de 2016). Pode o património ajudar a pensar o futuro? No Mundo dos Museus. Recuperado em 16 de Setembro de 2024 de https://doi.org/10.58079/sdq9

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