O 2.º numero da revista e_conservation já foi publicado. Está totalmente disponível online:
2007 Worksites
Medieval Values Discovered at the Assumption Church, Cepari Village, Argeş, Romania (1752)
by Mihail Gabriel Bîrhală
Events Review
Lecture on Preventive Conservation of Contemporary Art
30 November 2007, Sintra, Portugal
Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development of Historical Cities in Asia
4-5 December 2007, Berlin, Germany
by André Alexander
Upcoming Events
December 2007 to February 2008
Cultural Project
The Sibiel Cultural Centre, Ecomuseum – Contemporary Art Gallery
by Ovidiu Daneş
Material Studies
An Alteration Phenomenon of Cinnabar Red Pigment in the Mural Paintings from Sucevita
by Ioan Istudor, Anca Dină, Geanina Roşu, Doina Şeclăman and Gheorghe Niculescu
Conservation of Contemporary Art
Reconstructing a 1972’s Neon Light Installation at the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
by Filipe Duarte
The Church of “The Beheading of St. John the Baptist” from Arbore – Previous Interventions from the Perspective of Derestoration
by Anca Dină and Oliviu Boldura
Conservation Organisations in Europe
Chamber of Restorers in Slovakia
by Barbara Davidson
The Crucifixes of Marginime
by Ovidiu Daneş
Documentation for Architecture Conservation:
La Villetta Cemetery in Parma, Italy (part 2)
Formal References in Funerary Architecture
by Maria Carmen Nuzzo
The Urban Planning of Parma Cemeterial System
by Silvia Ombellini
The Master Plan for the Safeguarding and Restoration of La Villetta
by Elisa Adorni
The Virtual Museum – The Memory of the Cemetery Heritage
by Simone Riccardi
Lost City, Resumed Architectures
a book by Michela Rossi,
reviewed by Federica Ottoni
LACONA VI Proceedings
(Laser in the Conservations of Artworks)
reviewed by Rui Bordalo
OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Ana Carvalho (27 de Dezembro de 2007). e_conservation, n.º 2, 2007. No Mundo dos Museus. Recuperado em 25 de Janeiro de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/sd0t