Publicado recentemente, o n.º 3-4 ICOM News 2007 apresenta os artigos seguintes:
– Message from the President
by Alissandra Cummins
Resolution No. 1: Protection and Promotion of Universal Heritage with Respect for Cultural and Natural Diversity (S.O. 1)
– MAC and the Caribbean Inventory on the Slave Route Project
by Ieteke Witteveen,
President, Museums Association of the Caribbean (MAC), Director, National Archeologisch & Anthropologisch Museum (Curaçao)
Interview with Regine Schulz – Chairperson, Resolutions Committee 2007
Resolution No. 2: Accessibility of Information and Communication (S.O.2)
– Towards the Creation of an ICOM Digital Resources Centre
by ICOM-Secretariat: Carla Bonomi, Webmaster, Asghar Hassanzadeh, Archivist, Lysa Hochroth, Editor and Elisabeth Jani, Documentalist
Resolution No. 3: Informing Museums on Intellectual Property Issues
– Response from the Ethics Committee
Bernice Murphy,
Chairperson, ICOM Ethics Committee
Resolution No. 4: Preventing Illicit Traffic and Promoting the Physical Return, Repatriation and Restitution of Cultural Property
– On Restitution, Exhibitions and Heritage
Patrick Effiboley,
Resolution No. 5: Disaster and Emergency Planning
– ICOM-SEE, Regional Groups and MEP/TIEM
Mila Popovic – Zivancevic,
Chairperson, ICOM-SEE, Working Group of ICOM-Europe for South East Europe, Conservator Councillor, Head of “Diana” Department for Preventive Conservation, National Museum in Belgrade
Resolution No. 6: Promoting Sustainable Development (S.O.2)
– Case Study – Hasankeyf: a Medieval Site Threatened by the Ilisu Dam
Resolution No. 7: Championing Higher Standards and Professional Development (S.O.3)
– UMAC & the Latin American University Museums Network
William Alfonso López Rosas,
UMAC, Professor, Director of the Museo de Arte and the MA in Museology and Cultural Heritage Management, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Resolution No. 8: Improving the Consultative and Decision Making Process (S.O.4)
– There might be some turbulence on our flight to Shanghai 2010…Knut Wik,
Chairperson, Advisory Committee
More Articles:
Historic Meeting of ICOM Former Presidents and Honorary Members
Voices of Young Bursaries
From Interviews with Jehanne Fabre, Editorial Assistant, ICOM-Secretariat
Diversity at the ICOM 2007: a newcomer’s observations
Clara Arokiasamy,
Chair, London Mayor’s Heritage and Diversity Task Force and Independent Consultant/Adviser
Artigos publicados em ICOM News, Vol. 60, No.3-4, 2007
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Ana Carvalho (28 de Fevereiro de 2008). ICOM News: "Universal Heritage" No Mundo dos Museus. Recuperado em 9 de Fevereiro de 2025 de