Sugestão de Leitura: "Museum Origins"

Museum Origins: Readings in Early Museum History and Philosophy
Edited by Hugh H. Genoways, Mary Anne Andrei, Apr, 2008
Descrição Física: 352 p.


This essential anthology collects 52 of the most important writings on museum philosophy by American and European founders of the field in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The editors add introductory pieces that show how the museum field developed within the social environment of the era.

The museum profession began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. With the development of institutions displaying natural science, history, and art were the debates over the role of these museums in society. This essential anthology collects 52 of the most important writings on museum philosophy dating from this formative period, written by the many of the American and European founders of the field. Genoways and Andrei contextualize these pieces with a series of introductions that show how the museum field developed within the social environment of the era. For those interested in museum history and philosophy or cultural history, this is an indispensable resource.

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Ana Carvalho (28 de Maio de 2008). Sugestão de Leitura: "Museum Origins" No Mundo dos Museus. Recuperado em 9 de Fevereiro de 2025 de

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