“The initiators of the Stadionbad exhibition” 2012 © hmf, photo: Katrin Streicher (imagem retirada do livro, p. 70)
Meijer-van Mensch, Léontine, and Elisabeth Tietmeyer, eds. 2013. Participative Strategies in Collecting the Present. Berlin: Panama-Verlag. 132 páginas, ISBN 978-3-938714-28-7.
Esta publicação reflecte o interesse (crescente) sobre a definição de políticas de incorporação nos museus que incluam o presente: como documentar as realidades sociais e culturais contemporâneas através da recolha de objectos? Que prioridades? Que metodologias? Que critérios? Logo na introdução pode ler-se:
«In their collecting policies, history museums, ethnographic museums, and city museums all over the world show a remarkable tendency not only to focus on the present, but also to involve individuals and groups outside the museums as experts on their culture and history. Such participative strategies challenge the theory and ethics that underpin traditional practices. Some of the values at stake are institutional autonomy and professional authority.» (p. 7)
O conjunto de 13 textos incluídos neste livro resultam da primeira reunião anual (2011) de um dos mais novos comités internacionais do Conselho Internacional de Museus – o International Committee for Collecting (COMCOL), organizada em conjunto com o International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities (CAMOC) e o ICOM regional Committee for Europe.
Como sublinha Léontine Meijer-van Mensch e Peter van Mensch, para colecionar o presente há que perspectivar as colecções como conjuntos dinâmicos ao serviço da missão dos museus. E para a formação e desenvolvimento das colecções o trabalho em rede e a participação são palavras-chave (p. 8).
A publicação é impressa, mas existe também em formato digital. Encontra mais informações no website do COMCOL.
Preface, 7
Léontine Meijer-van Mensch and Peter van Mensch
Participative strategies in collecting the present | Introduction, 8
Dennis Herrmann and Jonas Koch
Challenges, changes and changes | Theoretical and practical reasons for on and offline participation in museums, 15
Kathrina Dankl and Tena Mimica
Collecting the present by exploring Doing Kinship with Pictures and Objects, 24
Renée Kistemaker
Participative strategies in the project Entrepreneurial Cultures in European Cities | On the way to integrated museums?, 33
Zvjezdana Antos and Annemarie de Wildt
The museum goes shopping | Collecting entrepreneurs – a comparison between city and ethnographic museums, 45
Zelda Baveystock
The secrets of our success | Synthetising audience development with collections at the Museum of Liverpool, 56
Angela Jannelli
Frankfurt Now! and the City Lab | Two participatory exhibition formats of the historisches museum frankfurt, 64
Dorota Kawecka and Aleksandra Janus
What to take and how to share? | Challenges for establishing a new Theatre Museum in Warsaw, 74
Thomas Michael Walle
Participation and othering in documenting the present, 83
Christine Fredriksen
Participative strategies and the maritime cultural heritage
Arjen Kok and Pina Cardia
Involving lay stakeholders in expert cultural value assessment, 104
Tanja Rozenbergar
Don’t throw pots away, 111
Markus Walz
The selection of cultural assets between research and plebiscite: Five museological points dealing with »collecting 2.0«, 119
The authors, 128
List of Illustrations, 131