Museological review é uma revista científica editada pelos alunos de museologia da Universidade de Leicester, na Inglaterra. Existe deste 1994, ainda que com alguma irregularidade. A portuguesa Margarida Melo, que está a fazer o seu doutoramente em Leicester é actualmente uma das editoras da revista.
O próximo número da revista será dedicado ao tema da mudança nos museus. Está aberto um call for papers até 20 de Dezembro de 2013.
Call for Papers
Museological Review, Issue 18: Change in museums
Due in Spring 2014
Submission Deadline: 1700 GMT, Friday 20 December 2013.
Museological Review (MR) is a peer-reviewed journal, published annually, by the community of PhD students of the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester, UK. It is aimed at graduate master students, PhD students and early career researchers from around the world and from any museum-related discipline. It is a forum for the exchange of museological ideas and for the development of academic skills.
In relation to this years’ PhD student led ‘Museum Metamorphosis’ conference (
Museological Review issue 18 welcomes contributions that seek to explore the phenomenon of metamorphosis — or change — in the museum. Museums are often perceived to arrest time, or go beyond it, yet they are not fixed or static entities. It has often been claimed that in order to become meaningful, museums should change by addressing and responding to the needs of society. Is this the case?
Papers addressing the following themes and questions are encouraged, but we also welcome new suggestions and creative proposals.
– How might we define metamorphosis in the context of the museum?
– Metamorphosis is a concept that resonates across many disciplines, from biology and geology to literary studies. How can such different conceptions of metamorphosis be harnessed in order to consider change in the museum?
– How do museums deal with resistance to change, both internally and externally?
– What are some of the opportunities and/or risks arising from constant and never-ending change in the museum?
– Historically, how has the museum changed from its early inception?
– What organisational changes have museum institutions implemented, and how has the museum profession responded to these?
– How have digital and other technological trends impacted upon the way we conceive museums and the ways in which museums relate to their communities?
– Have collections and displays been made relevant for contemporary audiences? If so, how? If not, why not?
– How have museological concepts such as learning, interpretation and collection adapted to new contexts?
– How, and to what extent, are new trends in exhibition-making creating the museum anew? How have museum-making processes changed?
– How can we describe changing understandings of museum space?
– How has our knowledge of the complex range of visitor experiences shifted? What impact has this had?
– How are museums used to create identity on different levels, and how are museums’ identities created in turn by the communities they serve?
– To what extent are museums an instrument for social change, and to what extent is change forced upon them?
– How can museums explore and reflect contemporary discussions in society?
The editorial team will contact authors in late January 2014. The editorial process (peer review and editing) of those accepted papers will take place from February to April 2014. The issue is due to be ready and uploaded in the MR webpage by late May 2014.
Submission of manuscripts
The Editors welcome submissions of academic articles of any length up to 5,000 words. No fee is payable. A digital copy of the typescript will be required in Microsoft Word format. It will not be possible for us to undertake or arrange for independent proof reading and the obligation for thorough checking is the responsibility of the authors not the Editors. Publication cannot be assured until final revisions are accepted. Contributions should be set as follows:
- Title of Article
- Full name of the author
- 150-word abstract and 3-5 keywords
- Main body of the paper (5,000 words max)
- Numbered endnotes (if appropriate)
- Acknowledgements
- References/Bibliography
- Appendices
- Author’s name
- Full postal address, professional qualifications, position held.
Please type on one side of the paper only, keep to an even number of lines per page, and use standard size paper (A4) with wide margins. Please use Times New Roman font size 12, justified, double line-space texts. The sub-headings should be typed in exactly the same way as the ordinary text, but should be in bold. Sub-headings should be displayed by leaving extra space above and below them.
Do not use footnotes.
All foreign language extracts must be also translated into English.Style
- Sub-headings are welcome, although ‘Introduction’ should be avoided where this is obvious. They should be in bold and aligned to the left.
- Words ending in -ise or -ize: -ise is used.
- Numbers: up to and including twenty in words, over twenty in figures, exceptthat figures should not begin in a sentence.
- Measurements are given in metric (SI) units, though Imperial units may bequoted in addition.
- Place names should be up-to-date, and in the Anglicised form (Moscow notMoskva).
- Italics should be used a) for foreign words not yet Anglicised, including Latin;b) for titles of books, ships, pictures etc.; c) very sparingly, for emphasis
- Quotations should be set in single quotation marks ‘…’, using double quotation marks “…” for quotes within a quote. Quotations of more than two lines oftypescript should be set on a new line and indented.
- Abbreviations should always be explained on first usage, unless in commoninternational use. Full points should not be used between letters in an abbreviation: e.g. USA not U.S.A.
- Organisations and companies take the singular, e.g. ‘the Royal Academy is…’.
- First person tense should be avoided.
Illustrations/Figures/Tables: Papers can be accompanied by black and white or colour photographs, line drawings, maps, tables or any other visual element. All illustrations and figures should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are referred to in the text. Please note that they must be fully captioned and supplied separate from the document, NOT included in a Word document, as .jpeg, .tif or .bmp files (NOT eps). Contributors are requested to discuss illustrative material with the Editors at an early stage. If there is any requirement for special type (e.g. Arabic, Greek, scientific or mathematical symbols) this should be supplied as artwork. All artwork must be scanned and submitted digitally. Photographs and line art must be supplied at 72dpi (lpi) minimum, and fully captioned. It is the author’s responsibility to gain permission to publish images, and they will be required to warrant that they have done so.
Referencing/Bibliography: References must be presented using the Harvard system (author and date given in text, e.g. Connerton, 1989; Cook, 1991: 533). This should be at the end of the paper, arranged alphabetically by author, then chronologically if there is more than one work by the same author. Use the inverted format as follows:
Connerton, P. (1989). How Societies Remember. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
Cook, B.F. (1991). ‘The archaeologist and the Art Market: Policies and Practice.’ Antiquity 65: 533.
It is the author’s responsibility to obtain copyright approval for any materials included in the article.
Queries: review
Hard-copy correspondence (copyright approval for images) may be sent to:
The Editors,
Museological Review, School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, Museum Studies Building Leicester LE1 7RH,
Tel: + 44 (0) 116 252 3963; Fax: + 44 (0) 116 252 3960.